Key Information

Year 6 will have PE every Monday afternoon with coach Kenny. Swimming will take place in the summer term. Every Monday Mr Black will continue to teach computing and Mrs Sarmiento will teach Spanish. Children who were learning violin in year 5 will continue on a Thursday. 

If you have any issues with accessing Bug Club or Times Table Rockstars, please speak to Mrs Blamires.


How you can help

Please ensure your child is reading daily for at least 15 minutes and their reading records are signed weekly. We will be checking them at least twice a week. Bug Club is a great way to assess your child’s understanding of the book they have read. Please read the yellow letter you received for more advance and support on this.

Please check your child’s homework diary and sign them when they have completed each task. Spellings are given out every Monday and children are expected to get at least 10/12. Ask them about what Word of the Week or Word of the Day they have learnt and encourage them to use it!

Times Table Rockstars is also another activity all the children can access at home to keep them busy.

Year 6 is a crucial year therefore, excellent punctuality and attendance is expected so your child makes good progress. Please ensure your child is present and punctual at the beginning of the day, as the first lesson starts at 9:00am, and that they are collected at 3:30pm.