Visiting the School

Thank you for your interest in Christ Church Primary School. We hope to see you soon on one of our school tours. In the meantime please browse our school prospectus to find out more. If you are unable to visit on the dates below, we are happy to arrange an alternative convenient time.


During the year we are happy to show you around our amazing school. Please phone or email the office to arrange a tour. Click on the date link below to confirm your place.

School Tours

Thursday 24th October, 1.45 - 2.45pm

Tuesday 12th November, 10-11am

Thursday 21st November, 1.45-2.45pm

Friday 6th December, 2pm

Tuesday 10th December, 9.30am

Tuesday 17th December 9.30am

Thursday 6th March, 2pm

More information on contacting the school can be found here

Can can apply for a school place now by contacting Tower Hamlets admissions.