Fr Simon Walsh

Chair of Governors

Term of office: April 2022 - April 2026

Simon Walsh is a wide-ranging and experienced consultant, with a career spanning strategic communications, public relations, advertising, lobbying, and crisis management. He has advised national governments, heads of state, multinational brands, and charities around the world. Simon began his career in corporate finance and has particular interests in politics, education, culture and the arts, along with international relations.

He now runs his own company supporting schools, boards, education departments, and church and faith-based organizations in their strategic communications and PR, including crisis management. Previously, he was VP Communications for a diverse international business group and active in 35 countries across six continents and where he worked with the Chief Communications Officer to support the board on a comprehensive remit covering all offices and sectors.

Simon has been a school governor in the Diocese of London since 2006, and attended a church primary himself in Somerset in the 1980s. He is currently Chair of Governors at Christ Church, Spitalfields, on Brick Lane, which is the third school he has chaired for the diocese. He was ordained in 2016 and is based at St Anne’s, Highgate. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.